It depends on a few factors: if the angle is interior, if the angle is exterior, and if the hexagon is a regular hexagon or not. Each interior angle of a regular hexagon is 120o. Each exterior angle of a regular hexagon is 60o.
Each interior angle of a regular 6 sided hexagon is 120 degrees.
Yes, a hexagon has a reflex angle. It's the outside of any angle inside the hexagon. :)
A hexagon, in general can have an angle of any measure. In a REGUALR hexagon, each interior angle is 120o.
A regular hexagon's angle would be 120 degrees making the total degrees 720. If it's the degrees of one angle of an irregular hexagon there would be quite a range
i think it is 6
a hexagon with a refle angle
Yes. A hexagon must have an obtuse angle.
The hexagon has the larger exterior angle.
Exterior angle of a regular hexagon = 60 degrees