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Amjaad Shanaah

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Q: How many times the digit 7 appears between the range 100-475?
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What is the program to figure out how many numbers from 0 to 9 are needed for 1 to 89 for example?

#include<iostream> #include<array> #include<sstream> std::array<int,10> get_frequency (int range_min, int range_max) { if (range_max<range_min) std::swap (range_min, range_max); std::array<int,10> digit {}; for (int count {range_min}; count<=range_max; ++count) { std::stringstream ss {}; ss << count; std::string s {}; ss >> s; for (auto c : s) { ++digit[c-'0']; } } return digit; } int main () { std::array<int,10> digit {}; digit = get_frequency(1, 89); std::cout << "In the range 1 to 89...\n"; for (int d {0}; d<10; ++d) { std::cout << "\tthe digit " << d << " appears " << digit[d] << " times.\n"; } } Output: In the range 1 to 89... the digit 0 appears 8 times. the digit 1 appears 19 times. the digit 2 appears 19 times. the digit 3 appears 19 times. the digit 4 appears 19 times. the digit 5 appears 19 times. the digit 6 appears 19 times. the digit 7 appears 19 times. the digit 8 appears 19 times. the digit 9 appears 9 times.

How many 11 digit numbers are there?

Eleven digit numbers are those in the range between 9,999,999,999 and 100,000,000,000 exclusive. There are 90,000,000,000 of these.

How many four digit numbers are found between 900 and 6000?

The smallest one in that range is 1,000. The largest one in that range is 6,000.All the numbers between 1,000 and 6,000 are 4-digit numbers. There are6,000 - 999 = 5,001of them.

What single digit appears most frequently between and including the numbers 1 and 1,000 Hint: look for a pattern?

The single-digit that appears most frequently between and including the numbers 1 and 1000 is the digit "1". To see why this is the case, consider the following pattern: Between 1 and 9, there is one occurrence of the digit "1". Between 10 and 99, there are 10 occurrences of the digit "1" in the tens place (10, 11, 12, ..., 19) and 9 occurrences of the digit "1" in the ones place (21, 31, 41, ..., 91), for a total of 19 occurrences. Between 100 and 999, there are 100 occurrences of the digit "1" in the hundreds place (100, 101, 102, ..., 199), 100 occurrences of the digit "1" in the tens place (110, 111, 112, ..., 119, 121, 131, ..., 191, 201, ..., 291, 301, ..., 391, ..., 901, ..., 991) and 9 occurrences of the digit "1" in the ones place (101, 111, 121, ..., 191), for a total of 210 occurrences. Adding up the number of occurrences for each range, we get: 1 + 19 + 210 = 230 Therefore, the digit "1"

How many palindromes are there between 900 - 1900?


What does mean mode and range mean?

Its range, median, and mode.Range is the distance between the two farthest numbers out.Median is the middle number.And mode is the number that appears the most.

How many 5 digit numbers are odd?

The first 5 digit number is 10,000 and the last is 99,999. Thus there are 90,000 numbers between that range. Half of them are odd & half are even. 45,000 each

How many palindromic numbers are there between ten and hundred thousand?

1089.ExplanationA two digit palindrome will have the form AA, with A a digit between 1 and 9 (if A were zero, then this would not be a two digit number). So there are 9 possibilities for A and nine two-digit palindromes.A three digit palindrome will have the form ABA, with A a digit between 1 and 9 (if A were 0, this would not be a three digit number) and B a digit between 0 and 9. So there are 9 possibilities for A and 10 for B. There are thus 9*10=90 three digit palindromes.A four digit palindrome will have the form ABBA, with A a digit between 1 and 9 (if A were 0, this would not be a three digit number) and B a digit between 0 and 9. So there are 9 possibilities for A and 10 for B. There are thus 9*10=90 four digit palindromes.A five digit palindrome will have the form ABBBA, with A a digit between 1 and 9 (if A were 0, this would not be a three digit number) and B and C each a digit between 0 and 9. So there are 9 possibilities for A, 10 for B, and 10 for C. There are thus 9*10*10=900 five digit palindromes.Adding the above, we get a total of 9+90+90+900=1089 palindromes in the range.

How many 2 digit numbers have no 2 at all?

72. (with the range of two digit numbers being from 10 to 99).

What is 3.5 digit LCD?

A 3.5 digit LCD (or LED) is a 3 digit display with a partial fourth digit that displays only 1 or 0 (or blank). Typical range is 000 to 1999, or 0000 to 1999.

What is the answer to i am less than 100thesum of my digits is 8 if you divide me by 2 i am a even numbermy tens digit and my ones digits are the same?

I am less than 100 so the range is 01 - 99, but as I am divisible by 2 then I am even. As my tens digit and ones digit are the same then I am a 2 digit number so the range is now 10 - 98. The sum of my digits is 8, my tens digit and my ones digit are the same . . so the only solution is 44.

What is the digit in the units place of a number is 5 if the no lies between 150 and 200 will be composite or prime?

For any integer greater than 5, where the units digit is 5 then that number can be expressed as the product of n and 5. As such, the number is composite. Therefore all numbers in the range 150 to 200 that have a units digit of 5 are composite,.