

How so you add and subtract negative fractions?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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if both fractions are negative then add like normal then put a negative sign in front like this:

-6/24 + -8/24 = - 14/24 now simplify. your answer is... -7/12

i hope this helped. (oh yeah, same thing with subtraction)

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he fact that they are improper is irrelevant. Re-scale the fractions so that they have the same denominator and thenadd or subtract as required.

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So that you only have to add/subtract the numerator which makes it much easier.

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We look at the signs of numbers when we need to combine them. We subtract only if numbers have different signs, otherwise we add them. So that, if we have in an expression several positive and negative numbers, we prefer to group numbers with the same sign and add them in order to subtract just once. While with fractions we like to group fractions with the same denominator first, and after that we can combine all fractions by finding their LCD.

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A little awkwardly phrased, so I'll answer both ways. To subtract a negative from anything, add its positive. To subtract a positive from a negative, the equation is treated as though you are adding two postives, the result is negative.

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convert at least one of them so that they have the same denominator, then proceed with the addition or subtraction

Subtraction with negative fractions?

Subtracting a negative number is the same as adding the positive version. So 3- (-4) = 3+7. The same thing is true of all numbers, including fractions. So just add the fractions like you would normally do.

Adding and subtracting negative and positive numbers?

when youre adding negative numbers, you add them and put a negative sign (ex: -6 + -5=-11) when you add negative and positive numbers(ex: -9 + 7) you subtract the numbers and take the sign of the bigger number (9-7=2, so the answer is -2 because the bigger number, 9, is negative when you subtract 2 negative numbers you add them together and put a negative sign when you subtract a neg. number and a pos. number (ex: -8 - 3) you add the numbers but the 3 becomes negative so the problem becomes -8 + -3. the answer is -11

When you have two negatives do you add or subtract?

When you have two negatives, you add the magnitudes, but since, you have both negatives, the direction of the resultant magnitude is along the negative direction, so you add the magnitude and put the negative sign.