

How would you add a negative number and a fraction?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Deduct negative from positive. for example 2 1/4 +-2=1/4.

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Q: How would you add a negative number and a fraction?
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How do you subtract a negative fraction from another negative fraction?

i think you just add it and put the negative sign in front of it

Can any fraction be expressed as the sum of unit fractions?

Yes. Although a negative fraction would have to involve addinig negative unit fractions. A positive fraction is a number of the form x/y where x and y are positive integers. The simplest solution is to add x lots of 1/y.

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Multiply the numbers ignoring the signs and then add a negative sign.

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the answer is negative number It depends on the second number because in 6minus-7. the seven would turn positive and therefore the answer is positive. Because you would add the opposite.

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Adding a negative number to a negative number makes a larger negative. In order to solve this you add the numbers together as a positive then add a negative sign.

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Whatever is required by the context of the question. Whether or not the number is negative gives no indication as to whether to add or subtract.

If you add a negative and a negative what you get?

You get a positive Number answer.

How do you make a fraction smaller?

Multiply them by a number less than 1. Divide them by a number greater than 1. Add a negative number. Subtract a positive number. Any of the above will do. One could also reduce the font when printing the fraction.

How do you add a negative number with a negative number?

When you add a negative number, the one on the right side gets cancelled out. E.g. -3x + - 3x = -3x

What are the rules for adding and subtracting integers?

when you add two positive integers the answer is always positive when you add two negative integers the answer is positive when you add one negative and on positive integer, the answer is negative subtracting two negative numbers gets a negative answer subtracting two positive numbers- the answer depends subtracting a negative and positive number- the answer depends, the positive number would have to be bigger than the negative to achieve a negative number, and if the positive number is less, than the answer is still negative