

How do you add a negative number with a negative number?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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When you add a negative number, the one on the right side gets cancelled out.

E.g. -3x + - 3x = -3x

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Q: How do you add a negative number with a negative number?
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You get a positive Number answer.

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Adding two negative numbers always gives a negative number.

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You get a positive number because a negative number reverses the other negative so it becomes a positive number.

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You have to take the negative sign away from the negative number and add them.

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The product of an odd number of negative numbers will be negative.

What happends when you add a positive number to a smaller negative number?

you get more negative

When you add a positive number by a negative number will it be negative or positive?

That depends on the values of the given numbers but a positive number multiplied by a negative number will be negative

When you add numbers that have different signs will you always get a negative number?

No. When you add a positive and negative number, the bigger one determines the sign of the result. For example, when you add -5 and 3, the result will be negative because the negative number is larger. When you add -4 and 6, the result will be positive because the positive number is larger.

What are the rules for adding positive and negative numbers?

If you are adding a positive number, then this is the same as normal addition. For instance, 4 add positive 5 is 9. negative 1 add positive 8 is 7. If you are adding a negative number, then this is the same as subtracting that number. For instance 6 add negative 1 is 5. negative 7 add negative 2 is negative 9.

How do you add negative integers without using the number line?

if they are both negative, add like they are positive numbers, but just add the negative sign.