It would depend on the year you were born. Subtract your birth year from 1984 to find your age when you graduated in 1984.
if you were born in 1998 what year would you graduated in
I was born in Dec 2005 .I haven't graduated yet
The Year would be 2000. 1984+10=1994+6=2000. Simple
If it was the year 1984, I would be -8 years old. LOL I was born in 1992. ~Valounda~
If you were born in 1984, your age is 38 years now
During the year 2010, someone born in December 1984 is 26 years old.
If a person was born in 1984, their age in 2021 would be 37 or turning 38 depending on their birthdate within the year. This calculation is done by subtracting the birth year (1984) from the current year (2021). So, 2021 - 1984 = 37.
You would have graduated in 1984 a little before your 18th birthday. See below for a more in-depth answer as to why. Assuming you started school at the typical age of 5 (which would have occurred sometime around mid Aug.- mid Sept. in 1971), as well as assuming your progression followed the typical timeline of advancing 1 grade at the conclusion of each school year (i.e. you did not skip any grades, and you advanced to the next grade each year), starting with kindergarten, followed by grades 1-12, you would have graduated at the end of the 1983-1984 school year. You would have been designated as the "Graduating Class of '84", not long before your 18th birthday (once again, assuming your school year had completed before your birthday in 1984, which it, most likely, would have). Sorry, for the drawn out answer. In the interest of providing complete clarity in my answer, I thought it best to identify the control parameters, especially given the fact that you would have graduated while you were still 17, which is not typically the case. LOL