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Their directions are perpendicular.

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Q: If the component of vector A along the direction of vector B is zero. What can you conclude about these two vectors?
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If one component of a vector A is zero along the direction of another vector B then in what direction the two vectors will be?

opposite direction.

When do you need to use component method for vector addition?

when the vectors are not all pointing in the same direction

What two vectors does a vector have?

It has both velocity and direction. A vector has direction and magnitude.

Vector component greater than the vectors magnitude?

can a vector have a component greater than the vector magnitude

What is a Resultant Vectors?

resultant vector is a vector which will have the same effect as the sum of all the component vectors taken together.

How do you subtract vectors?

it depends on the method of subtraction. If the vectors are drawn graphically then you must add the negative of the second vector (same magnitude, different direction) tail to tip with the first vector. If the drawing is to scale, then the resultant vector is the difference. If you are subtracting two vectors <x1, y1> - <x2, y2> then you can subtract them component by component just like scalars. The same rules apply to 3-dimensional vectors

How do you find sum of both vector?

Two methods can be used for vector addition. (1) Graphically. Place the vectors head-to-tail, without changing their direction or size. (2) Analytically, that is, mathematically. Add the x-component and the y-component separately. The z-component too, if the vectors are in three dimensions.

Can a vector have a component greater than vectors magnitude?


How does the magnitude of a vector relate to the dot product?

The magnitude of dot product of two vectors is equal to the product of first vector to the component of second vector in the direction of first. for ex.- A.B=ABcos@

Do vectors have direction?

Yes, vectors must have the direction. Without direction, it is simply a scalar quantity.

Does the resultant take into account the direction of the two vectors?

Yes, a resultant vector is the vector sum of the two vectors. It has it's own direction and magnitude.

How do you find the component of a vector perpendicular to another vector?

The component of a vector x perpendicular to the vector y is x*y*sin(A) where A is the angle between the two vectors.