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Q: If you flip two coins the probability that both will come up heads is?
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What is the chance that that 2 flipped coins both come up heads?

The probability that 2 flipped coins both come up heads is 0.52 or 0.25

The probability that both of two tossed coins will come down heads is?

1 chance in 4

What is the probability that exactly two coins come up heads when four coins are tossed?

6/16 = 3/8

If You flip 9 fair coins Amazingly the first 8 flips all come up heads What is the probability that the final flip will be a head too?

1/2 apex It does not matter what each prior flip's result was. Each flip has a probability of 0.5 heads or tails. Coins do not have "memory".

What is the probability of getting two heads one tail when you spin 3 coins?

First work out the probability of the first two coins being heads and then the last being tails. This is 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 which is 1/8 The next step is to find out how many different orders the coins can come in. In this case there are 3 possible orders (HHT, HTH, and THH). Multiply this by the above probability and you get 3/8. Therefore the probability of getting two heads and one tail is 3/8

What is the probability of tossing seven coins at one time and having 7 of them come up heads?

The probability would be once in 128 attempts. You don't have to toss seven coins simultaneously. the 7 tosses just have to be independent of one another.

What is the probability that the next coin flip will come up heads?

If it is a fair coin then the probability is 0.5

What is the probability that a single coin flip will come up heads on the first two flips?

The probability of heads on the first flip is 50%.The probability of heads on the second flip is 50%.The probability of both is (50% x 50%) = 25% .=========================================Another way to look at it:Two tosses can come up in four different ways:H HH TT HT TOnly one of these . . . H H . . . counts as success.1 out of 4 = 25% .

What is the probability that 3 heads come up on a throw of 3 dice?

The probability is very, very small, because there are no heads marked anywhere on the dice.

What is the probability of getting 2 heads when you toss three coins?

If you mean 'at least' 2 heads, the probability is 50%. If you mean exactly 2, the probability is 3/8, or 37.5%. There are 3 independent coin tosses, each of which is equally likely to come up heads or tails. That's a total of 2 * 2 * 2 or 8 possible outcomes (HHH, HHT, HTH, etc.). Of these, 4 include 2 or 3 heads, which is half of 8. Only 3 include exactly 2 heads, so the probability of that is 3/8.

Two events in which eitherone or the outher must take place but they can't both happen at the same time The probability is 1?

This is correct. For example the probability of tossing a coin so that it comes up heads is 1/2 and the probability that it comes up tails is also 1/2. The probability that it will come up either heads or tails is 1.

What is the probability that you flip a head after you flipped 100 coins and 87 were heads and 13 were tails?

50% Every time you flip a coin, there is a 50% chance it will come up heads and a 50% chance it will come up tails, no matter how many times you have already flipped it, and no matter what the results were of previous flips.