

Best Answer

The probability of heads on the first flip is 50%.

The probability of heads on the second flip is 50%.

The probability of both is (50% x 50%) = 25% .


Another way to look at it:

Two tosses can come up in four different ways:





Only one of these . . . H H . . . counts as success.

1 out of 4 = 25% .

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Q: What is the probability that a single coin flip will come up heads on the first two flips?
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What is the probability of exactly three heads in four flips of a coin given at least two are heads?

If you know that two of the four are already heads, then all you need to find isthe probability of exactly one heads in the last two flips.Number of possible outcomes of one flip of one coin = 2Number of possible outcomes in two flips = 4Number of the four outcomes that include a single heads = 2.Probability of a single heads in the last two flips = 2/4 = 50%.

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What is the probability of 3 heads and 2 tails on five flips of a coin?

It is 0.3125

What is the probabilty that a coin will land on heads if flipped 8 times?

This is a probability question. Probabilities are calculated with this simple equation: Chances of Success / [Chances of Success + Chances of Failure (or Total Chances)] If I flip a coin, there is one chance that it will land on heads and one chance it will land on tails. If success = landing on heads, then: Chances of Success = 1 Chances of Failure = 1 Total Chances = 2 Thus the probability that a coin will land on heads on one flip is 1/2 = .5 = 50 percent. (Note that probability can never be higher than 100 percent. If you get greater than 100 you did the problem incorrectly) Your question is unclear whether you mean the probability that a coin will land on head on any of 8 flips or all of 8 flips. To calculate either you could write out all the possible outcomes of the flips (for example: heads-heads-tails-tails-heads-tails-heads-heads) but that would take forvever. Luckily, because the outcome of one coin flip does not affect the next flip you can calculate the total probability my multiplying the probabilities of each individual outcome. For example: Probability That All 8 Flips Are Heads = Prob. Flip 1 is Heads * Prob. Flip 2 is Heads * Prob. Flip 3 is Heads...and so on Since we know that the probability of getting heads on any one flips is .5: Probability That All 8 Flips Are Heads = .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 * .5 (or .58) Probability That All 8 Flips Are Heads = .00391 or .391 percent. The probability that you will flip a heads on any of flips is similar, but instead of thinking about what is the possiblity of success, it is easier to approach it in another way. The is only one case where you will not a heads on any coin toss. That is if every outcome was tails. The probability of that occurring is the same as the probability of getting a heads on every toss because the probability of getting a heads or tails on any one toss is 50 percent. (If this does not make sense redo the problem above with tails instead of heads and see if your answer changes.) However this is the probability of FAILURE not success. This is where another probability formula comes into play: Probability of Success + Probability of Failure = 1 We know the probability of failure in this case is .00391 so: Probability of Success + .00391 = 1 Probability of Success = .9961 or 99.61 percent. Therefore, the probability of flipping a heads at least once during 8 coin flips is 99.61 percent. The probability of flipping a heads every time during 8 coin flips is .391 percent.

What is the probability of obtaining exactly seven heads in eight flips of a coin given that at least one is a head?

The probability of obtaining 7 heads in eight flips of a coin is:P(7H) = 8(1/2)8 = 0.03125 = 3.1%

Maria flips a dime four times What is the probability that she will get at least two heads?

It is 0.6875

What is the probability of obtaining exactly 5 heads in 6 flips of a fair coin?

It is approx 0.0938

What is the expected number of flips of a coin to simulate a six-sided die?

Five coin flips. Any outcome on a six-sided die has a probability of 1 in 6. If I assume that the order of the outcome does not matter, the same probability can be achieved with five flips of the coin. The possible outcomes of five flips of a coin are as follows: 5 Heads 5 Tails 4 Heads and 1 Tails 4 Tails and 1 Heads 3 Heads and 2 Tails 3 Tails and 2 Heads For six possible outcomes.

What is the probability of obtaining exactly six heads in seven flips of a coin given that at least one is a head?

The requirement that one coin is a head is superfluous and does not matter. The simplified question is "what is the probability of obtaining exactly six heads in seven flips of a coin?"... There are 128 permutations (27) of seven coins, or seven flips of one coin. Of these, there are seven permutations where there are exactly six heads, i.e. where there is only one tail. The probability, then, of tossing six heads in seven coin tosses is 7 in 128, or 0.0546875.

What is the probability of flipping a coin twice and getting two heads?

The probability is 25%. The probability of flipping a coin once and getting heads is 50%. In your example, you get heads twice -- over the course of 2 flips. So there are two 50% probabilities that you need to combine to get the probability for getting two heads in two flips. So turn 50% into a decimal --> 0.5 Multiply the two 50% probabilities together --> 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25. Therefore, 0.25 or 25% is the probability of flipping a coin twice and getting heads both times.

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One out of every four flips