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Square? a cube has 6 sides each are squares.

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Q: If you trace this shape six times you make a cube what shape is it?
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6 sided 3d shape?

You can make many such shapes. One of them is the cube.

What shape can you make with 36 cubes?

a bigger cube

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If you double the length of the sides of a cube how does the volume of the cube increase?

If there is a 2x2x2 cube and you make it a 4x4x4 cube it goes from 8 to 64, so 8 times.

Have 5 flat surfaces You can trace my flat surfaces to make a triangle and a rectangle which shape am i?

a rectangle

What is an order of a shape?

Think of a shape being made of putty. You are allowed to flatten it or make corners but you cannot create or remove any holes. In this context, a sphere and a cube are the same - you can make a sphere into a cube by flattening some faces. But a sphere cannot be re-moulded into a torus (doughnut). This is topology and the order of a shape is the number of "holes" in it.

What does a stencil do?

You trace it or fill in the inside to make a shape or symbol of some sort easily and quickly, and with no artistic ability.

What shape has 6 faces 12eges and 8 vertesies?

The answer is a Cube. Please make sure this is the answer because I might be wrong.

How can the shape of an ice cube affect how long it takes the ice cube to melt help the world?

people want their ice cubes to last longer, so if you make ice cubes in a different shape so they melt slower, people will be happier.