No, 98 is an even number so it is divisible by 2.
108 is divisible by 3.
No, 98 is divisible by 2; therefore, it is a composite number.
No. To check for divisibility by 9 add the digits together and if this sum is divisible by 9 then so is the original number. This can be repeated until a single digit remains which must be 9 for the original number to be divisible by 9. For 98: 9 + 8 = 17 → 1 + 7 = 8 which is not 9, so 98 is not divisible by 9.
98 is divisible by two, 99 is not, so 98.
98 is the largest two digit number divisible by 7.
No, it isn't. You can always check - by adding the digits together. If the resulting number is divisible by 3, then the original number is too. In this example - 9+8=17... 17 will NOT divide by three exactly therefore 98 won't either.
No, but 98 is divisible by 298/2 = 49
Composite, it is divisible by 2,7,14, and 49
No, because a prime number is only dividable by itself and 1. 98 is divisible by 49 and 2 also.
No, but 98 is evenly divisible by 1, 2, 7, 14, 49, 98.
Besides 49 & 98? The numbers divisible by 49 are infinite.