Yes, a friend of mine (well 2 of them) have their BA and both got a D in College Algebra, so Yes it is a passing grade, as long as it is not an "F"
of course 65 is a passing grade 64 or below is failing , 65 is passing!
4U means its a grade 12 course, and it is University Preparation. 4M means it is a grade 12 course, and it is University/College Preparation.
That is 50%. Depending on your teacher's grading scale, it likely an E, perhaps a D.
my grade is a 92.3% and my final counts as only 10% so is the equation ... (92.3*.9)+(.1*D)=89.50 83.07+(.1*D)=89.50 -83.07 -83.07 __________________ (.1*D)=6.43 so now i divide by .1 so I'm just gonna move the . place over one so do i need a 64.3% on my final ????? KEY D = desired grade for final
It depends on the weight given to the Final Exam. However, Here is an example where there are three components to the final grade, Attendance, Quizes and the Final Exam: {D - W(A) - X(Q)}/Y = Grade Needed on Final Where D = your desired final Grade. W= the weight given to Attendance (like 20%) and A=your current Attendance grade. X=the weight given to Quiz grades (like 30%) and Q=your current Quiz grade. Y=the weight given to the Final Exam (like 50%) W + X + Y must = 1 (100%) So, if you want to end up with a final grade of 90, and your Quiz scores average 80 but you have a 100 in Attendance, the formula is: {90 - .2(100) - .3(80)}/.5 = (90-20-24)/.5 = 46/.5 = 92 grade neede on Final If there are more than 3 components, the weight and current grade would go into the formula just like W(A) and X(Q), as a subtraction from D. Just make sure that all your weights always add to 1.
A D is a passing grade for 9th grade. It is the overall average of all grades that makes the difference between passing and repeating a grade.
60% is not normally a passing grade in college.
Sorry to say but it is pretty much a failing grade. I sure hope it is not you getting the D. ou should try to do extra credit to bump up the grade.
The average passing grade should be a D- or above, but it varies on different schools and districts.
Depending on the specific program of study, a D is a minimum pass, however not transferable to another college or university. Typically, you must maintain a grade point average 2.0 to graduate, but some programs require a higher GPA to complete successfully. Still, you should consider the D- as a failure, and repeat the course for a higher grade.
It depends on the grading policy of the school. In some schools, a D may be considered a passing grade, while in others a higher grade might be required to pass the class. It's important to check with your school's specific policies to determine what constitutes a passing grade.
depends on which college.
yes it is but better to get a A+
a d or up up up
A D+, which is just passing.
This will vary from school to school. At most times a D is a passing grade, but at some schools if you get 3 D's than you would go to summer school. If given a D you are given partial credit.