

Is there a 0 in Pi?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: Is there a 0 in Pi?
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Yes. For example: pi - pi = 0

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Any multiple of or addition to or subtraction from PI is an irrational number. PI divided by PI is 1, a rational number. So is PI times 0 = 0

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Arrays can be regarded as constant pointers. Example: int *pi, ai[5]; pi= ai; /* okay */ pi[0]= ai[0]; /* okay */ ai[0]= pi[0]; /* okay */ pi= (int *)malloc (10*sizeof (int)); /* okay */ ai= pi; /* NOT okay */ ai= (int *)malloc (10*sizeof (int)); /* NOT okay */

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In abs. PSK only instant phase for the incoming bits are considered. For DPSK, the difference between previous phase and the present phase is considered. Example: If BPSK is used, then for 0 if phase if pi and for 1 it is 0, then for abs. BPSK the phase states for the bit stream 1010 will be 0,pi,0,pi for DPSK, we assume initial phase is zero and a rule that , if incoming bit is zero, then phase difference is 0 and if it is 1 then, phase difference is pi. So, phase difference will be--pi,0,pi,0 Instant phase will be, pi,pi,0,0....Easy!!

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The answer is:cos (pi/2) = 0

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0, pi/6, pi/4, pi/3, pi/2, pi and 2pi radians. To the less mathematically minded, these are 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 180 and 360 degrees.

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(cos(pi x) + sin(pi y) )^8 = 44 differentiate both sides with respect to x 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 d/dx ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y) = 0 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 (-sin (pi x) pi + cos (pi y) pi dy/dx ) = 0 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 (pi cos(pi y) dy/dx - pi sin (pi x) ) = 0 cos(pi y) dy/dx - pi sin(pi x) = 0 cos(pi y) dy/dx = sin(pi x) dy/dx = sin (pi x) / cos(pi y)

How do you solve sin2x plus sinX equals 0?

sin(2x) + sin(x) = 0 2sin(x)cos(x) + sin(x) = 0 sin(x)[2cos(x) + 1] = 0 sin(x) = 0 OR 2cos(x) + 1 = 0 sin(x) = 0 OR cos(x) = -1/2 x = n*pi OR x = 2/3*pi + 2n*pi OR x = -2/3*pi + 2n*pi x = pi*[2n + (0 OR 2/3 OR 1 OR 4/3)] Note that n may be any integer. The solutions in [-2pi, 2pi] are: -2pi, -4/3pi, -pi, -2/3pi, 0, 2/3pi, pi, 4/3pi, 2pi

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