No odd number of odd numbers can sum to an even number.
The sum of any four odd numbers will never be equal to an odd number.
The sum of any four odd numbers will never be equal to an odd number.
The sum of any four odd numbers will never be equal to an odd number.
The sum of any four odd numbers will never be equal to an odd number.
The prime numbers 3 an 7 are both odd and sum to 10.
The sum of any three consecutive odd integers is going to give an odd result. It is impossible for the sum of an odd number of odd integers to equal an even number.
That isn't possible. The sum of three odd numbers will always be odd. You can make the sum of 3 prime numbers equal to 32 if one of them is 2 (which is not odd).
This depends on what "x" is. The sum of the first x odd numbers is equal to x^2 or x*x.
It is not possible.