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9 (six rectangles = three squares)

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Q: Make fifteen shapes. One fifth of the shapes are circles. One fifth of the shapes are triangles. Two fifth of the shapes are rectangles. The rest are squares How many shapes are rectangles and squares?
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Do circles squares rectangles and triangles have bases?

Circles don't, but the others do, if you think of squares and rectangles as parallelograms.

What is A name of a 2d shape?

2D shapes include squares, triangles, rectangles and circles.

What solids have flat surfaces?

Circles, squares, rectangles, and triangles are solids that have a flat surface.

Dimension of a square?

Squares have two dimensions - length and width. Two dimensional figures are things like squares, rectangles, circles, and triangles, which have length and width.

What are the examples geometrical figures?

Points, lines, circles, triangles, squares, rectangles, kites, pyramids, cubes, and lots lots more.

What shape has more than 1 line of symetry?

Squares, circles, rectangles, and some triangles have more than 1 line of symmetry.

What shapes have right angles?

squares, right triangles, rectangles

What is the Memphis?

circles, squares, rectangles mainly... but the odd semi circles etc...

Why do mathematicians chose to measure area in squares instead of in rectangles or triangles or circles?

Because they (IMO) have the simplest area to find, to just square side. Triangles are half of a square Rectangles are uneven. Circles are rounded, and hard to find the area of. Plus, a square has 2 equal dimensions, so think 2D.

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Squares, triangles,rectangles,hexagon,parrellagram

What shapes does a triangular prism have that a rectangular does not have?

Triangular prisms have triangles and rectangles. A rectangular prism has squares and rectangles.