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A = 24.5 square feet.

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Q: The diagonals of a square each measure 7 feet Find the area of the square?
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A square has perpendicular diagonals. They are all the same angle (90 degrees). All sides are the same length. To find area of a square, use the formula A=4s. (Area=4xthe lenghth of the sides.)

How do you find the measure of a rhombus?

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How do you find the measure of a side if they are given the area of a square?

Square root the area

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The interior measure of a square is it's "area". Multiply length by width to find area.

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The answer will depend on what measure you are interested in: interior or exterior angles, lengths of sides, principal diagonals, apothem, area.

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You have to measure the area of the room. Measure both length and width in meters and multiply both to get the area in square meters.

What is the area of a rhombus with diagonals of 10ft and12ft?

60 square feet.