

The name of a drawn line. every one?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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line segment

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: The name of a drawn line. every one?
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line segments

Why line is an important component in art?

Line is important in Art becasue its one of the main and first things people draw. Every single piece of art, someone has drawn, has line in it. If the line has been drawn wrong then the whole piece may be ruined but sometimes if the line has been drawn wrong then a new piece may be created without that person knowing it. That is why every single line is important in Art.

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Yes, every isosceles triangle has at least one line of symmetry, usually drawn down the middle from the top point, down in the middle of the triangle's base.

How many line segments can be drawn from two points?

There is only one line (or line segment) that can be drawn between two distince points.

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This is called the diameter of the line that passes through the center of the circle. Half of that line is called the radius.

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Only one line can be drawn through eight points.

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2 is

What is radius equals 12 inches?

Every circle has a point called the centre. A straight line drawn through the centre and extending both ways to intersect with the circle at opposite points is called the diameter. A straight line drawn from the centre to intersect with one point of the circle is called the radius. In this case, the length of that straight line is 12 inches.