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The Vertical Y-Axis Shows The Frequency.

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Q: The vertical or y-axis of a graph always show is the?
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How can you tell if a graph sHow is a function?

Test it by the vertical line test. That is, if a vertical line passes through the two points of the graph, this graph is not the graph of a function.

How does the graph show that the quadratic is a function?

No vertical line will intersect the graph in more than one point. The fundamental flaw is that no graph can show that it does not happen beyond the domain of the graph.

Why is a bar graph called a bar graph?

Because columns (vertical or horizontal) are used to show data.

Why might you show a gap in the vertical scale in a line graph?


What line does a distance versus time graph never show?

a vertical one

Why might you show a line gap in the vertical scale in a line graph?


How are a bar graph and line graph different?

a bar graph is like a line grapgh but the difference of they are the bar graph show horizontal and line graph shown vertical.. think logic..^_^

How can you tell if a graph show a FUNCTION?

By doing a vertical line test. If you can draw a vertical line and it only passes through the graph once, its a function. If it passes through twice, it is NOT a function.

On which axis of a graph do you show to responding variable?

The responding variable is presented on the vertical axis.

Is it false that a distance versus time graph will never show a vertical line?

Yes it is.

Does a distance-versus-time graph show a horizontle line?

Distance and Time are variables and always moving. Therefore the answer is no. Let's suppose: If time is the vertical axis and distance (travelled) the horizontal axis. Standing still (not travelling) would show a vertical graph line. If distance is the vertical axis and time the horizontal axis. Then standing still would form a horizontal line based on time alone.

What kind of graph do you use for time?

Most graphs use two scales: a horizontal scale and a vertical scale. What is on the scales depends on what the graph is to be used for. For example: the vertical scale could show distance travelled, while the horizontal scale could show the time.