idk haha ha ha maybe divisible, perfect square, slope, x and y intercepts, hypotenuse, divisible, divide, multiply, rational and irrational, solution, sum, range, ordered pair, addition, subtraction, ext...
Divisor, dividend, quotient, remainder.
An integer is a number which does not have a decimal part at all.
It means that all sides of the shape are equal.
principal(in terms of math)- the amount you borrow or deposit
try to figure it out from this math problem:Express 5 in terms of fourths.thats all i really know about it. sorry
34.087 = thirty-four and eighty-seven thousandths.
Twenty-seven and eighty-seven thousandths.
he product of two thousand, four hundred sixty and eighty one
A comparison in math terms is when you see if two problems are equal to each other.
A math expression is a collection of math terms
pi is a symbol that we all use and it looks something like this....