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Advantage - Shows the spread of the results

Disadvantage - Does not take into account any 'clustering' of results in a set of data.

- It is affected strongly by outliers (very high or very low results).


Advantage - Shows the most popular result for non-numerical data

Disadvantage - Does not always give one value, it is not unique

- It can only be used on a set of data where one or more values are repeated.


Advantage - Extreme values do not affect the median as strongly as they do the mean

- Useful when comparing sets of data

- It is unique

Disadvantage - It does not take into account the spread of results or show clustering of data, much like the range.

Interquartile Range

Advantages - Ignores extreme values

- easier to use than the range when comparing data.

Disadvantages - Er, I'll get back to you on that. Maybe the IQR has no flaws?

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of Range mode median and inter quartile range?
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What is a quartile in a math problem?

A quartile is a given section in a range of data. To find the quartile, you must first find the median. Then find the "median of the median", using these to separate your data into sections, giving you a total of four sections of data.

What is the difference between minimum and lower quartile?

Consider the data: 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13 , 19 (arranged in ascending order) Minimum: 1 Maximum: 19 Range = Maximum - Minimum = 19 - 1 = 18 Median = 4 (the middle value) 1st Quartile/Lower Quartile = 2 (the middle/median of the data below the median which is 4) 3rd Quartile/Upper Quartile = 11 (the middle/median of the data above the median which is 4) InterQuartile Range (IQR) = 3rd Quartile - 1st Quartile = 11 - 2 = 9

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When using the mean: the variance or standard deviation. When using the median: the range or inter-quartile range.

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What can easily be seen on a box-and-whisker plot?

From left to right, Minimum, Lower Quartile, Median, Upper Quartile and Maximum. You can also see the inter-quartile range, and whether the distribution is symmetrical or has a positive or negative skew.

In which area of calculation quartile deviation is used?

Graphing to determine difference between third and first quartile as well as to find the median between the two. Also known as semi-interquartile range.

What is the purpose of a Box and Whisker?

As far as i can remember, a box and whisker is to sketch out the "Lower Extreme", The "Lower Quartile", The "Median", the "Upper Quartile", the "Upper Extreme" and the "Inter-Quartile Range" as well as the Range. To be honest, it is kind of useless, it just shows those above things in an easier way. Hope this helped :)

What is the range of a box and whisker plot?

the range is also known as the IQR or inner quartile range's. The inter quartile range is the difference between the upper quartile and the lower quartile.heresy a good example.Example:18 27 34 52 54 59 61 68 78 82 85 87 91 93 100~First find the median -----> 68~then the lower quartile --> 52~next the upper quartile --> 87after you find these you may subtract the lower quartile (aka UQ) from the upper quartile (aka the UQ)In our case the IQR = 87 - 52 = 35.

What are questions of box and whisker plot?

What are the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum?What the range and interquartile range are.whether the data ore positvely or negatively skewed.How two (or more) data sets compare in terms of the "average" and spread.

What is the math term for IQR?

IQR = Inter Quartile RangeIQR = Inter Quartile RangeIQR = Inter Quartile RangeIQR = Inter Quartile Range

What is the range between the upper quartile and lower quartile called?

The interquartile range :)