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A rectangle IS a parallelogram. However, it is a special case, since not only opposite, but also adjacent angles are equal. Since the angles must sum to 360 degrees, if they must all be equal you have 90 degrees or right angles for all of them . A rectangle is a quadrilateral with 4 right angles. A rhombus is a quadrilateral with 4 equal sides. A parallelogram is a 4-sided polygon where the opposite sides are parallel. A rectangle is a type of parallelogram, but it has the added requirement that all angles are 90°.

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Q: What are the differences between a parallelogram and a rectangle?
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What are all the differences between a rectangle and a parallelogram?

All the angles of a rectangle are right angle. This is not necessarily true of a parallelogram. There are many other differences that arise from this difference.

What is the difference between a rectangle and a parallelogram?

A parallelogram is slanted. A rectangle is not.

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pallelogram is more of aa slanted figure than a rectangle. a squre is more of lines that are equel and a rectangle and pallellagram have diffrent lines

What is the difference between rectangle and parallelogram?

The difference is: 1) the rectangle has all right angles 2)a parallelogram has acute and obtuse angles but not a rectangle

How does a parallelogram relate to a rectangle?

A rectangle is a parallelogram but a parallelogram is not a rectangle. A rectangle needs all 90 degree angles but a parallelogram dosnt.

How is a parallelogram and a rectangle the same?

A rectangle is a parallelogram but a parallelogram need not be a rectangle and so they are not the same.

Is there a rectangle that is not a parallelogram?

Nope, A rectangle is a type of parallelogram...

Is a parrallelogram a rectangle?

Yes, a rectangle is a special case of a parallelogram, where each of the 4 angles = 90°

How is a parallelogram a rectangle?

A parallelogram is not a rectangle. However, a rectangle is a parallelogram because it has two pairs of opposite sides that are parallel

What is the difference between a triangle a rectangle a pentagon and a parallelogram?

The difference between a triangle, rectangle, pentagon, and parallelogram id the number of sides: Triangle= 3 sides Rectangle= 4 sides Pentogon= 5 sides But, a parallelogram, is a polygon that has all sides parael to one another.

Is a parallelogram a rectangle also?

A rectangle is a parallelogram, but a parallelogram is not necessarily a rectangle. This is because a parallelogram can be so many other things, like a rhombus or a square.

What is a similarity between a parallelogram and rectangle?

All rectangles are parallelograms.