

What are the numbers that is less than zero?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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negative numbers

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Q: What are the numbers that is less than zero?
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What are numbers less than zero called if numbers less than one are decimals?

Numbers less than zero are "negative numbers".

The product of two numbers that are less than zero is also less than zero.?

No. The product of two negative numbers is positive.

How is negative a more than zero?

Negative numbers are less than zero, not more.

Is -15 greater than zero?

No. All negative numbers are less than zero.

Is the product of two numbers that are less than zero also less than zero?

No. Their product is always greater than 0.

What are the numbers less than zero called?


What are negative integers?

it is below zero * * * * * They are whole numbers that are less than zero.

Why is a negative number less than a positive number?

A negative number is defined as a number that is less than zero. Positive numbers, on the other hand, are more than zero. You can see that positive numbers are greater than negative numbers because they are all above zero, which negative numbers are not.

Are numbers to the right of a decimal considered less than zero?

no, they are less than one

What are positive and negative numbers called?

Positive numbers are greater than zero and negative numbers are less than zero. They are both collectively referred to as real numbers.

What do you call a number that is less than zero?

negative numbers

What is the product of all whole numbers except zero that are less than or equal to a number?

The product of all whole numbers except zero that are less than or equal to a numbr is a factorial number.