

What are the three next prime number after 2 3 5?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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7, 11 and 13

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Q: What are the three next prime number after 2 3 5?
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What 3 prime numbers have the sum of 3?

There are not three prime numbers that have the sum of 3. The smallest prime number is 2. If all three prime numbers were 2, the sum would 2 + 2 + 2 = 6, so that is the smallest number that is the sum of three prime numbers.

How do you identify next is the prime number?

Any prime number has only 2 factors which are itself and one

What is the next prime number after 2?

I would have to say 3

What is the prime factorization of 76 with work?

76 is an even number so it is divisible by 2, so 2 is the first prime factor.76/2 = 38, and 38 is an even number divisible by 2, so 2is the next prime factor.38/2 = 19, and 19 is a prime number, so 19 is the next prime factor.The prime factorization of 76 is 2 x 2 x 19.

How many two digit numbers which have three factors?

The only numbers which have exactly three factors are perfect squares of prime numbers. That only gives us two results: 5^2 = 25 7^2 = 49 The squares of any other prime numbers are either too small or too large to have two digits. (The next smaller prime number is 3, and the next larger prime number is 11.)

Why is 2 the lowest prime number?

The primes are all positive number and 1 is not a prime. We look that the next number, 2 and not that the only divisors of 2 are 1 and 2 itself. That makes it prime and since 1 was not prime, by convention, 2 is the smallest prime.

What is the next number after 1000 that have a 2 as its only prime factor?

How about: 1024

What is the next number after 1000 with 2 as an pnly prime factor?


Is every odd number a prime number?

Kind of. The only prime number that is even is 2.

Is 5291 a prime number using 2 numbers?

No 5291 is not a prime using 2 numbers. It is a prime using three numbers.

What is the smallest number to have three prime factors?

The smallest number with three different prime factors is 30.

What are three prime numbers that all digits have to be the same and even number?

2 is the only even prime any number ending in 2 is divisible by 2 and not prime any even number greater than 2 is divisible by 2 and not prime unless i misunderstood there can be no answer