76 is an even number so it is divisible by 2, so 2 is the first prime factor.76/2 = 38, and 38 is an even number divisible by 2, so 2is the next prime factor.38/2 = 19, and 19 is a prime number, so 19 is the next prime factor.The prime factorization of 76 is 2 x 2 x 19.
The previous prime number is 23,456,787,559 and the next prime number is 23,456,787,593.
The next prime number after 24 is: 29
97 is the next prime number after 91.
43 is a prime number and the next prime number after it is 47
How about: 1024
because it is not a prime number
1,024 because all the numbers between 1 and 1000 that have 2 as their only prime factor are 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,265,512 The patern is that 2 times 2 =4, 4 times 2=8, 8 times 2=16 ect. and 512 times 2 = 1,024
76 is an even number so it is divisible by 2, so 2 is the first prime factor.76/2 = 38, and 38 is an even number divisible by 2, so 2is the next prime factor.38/2 = 19, and 19 is a prime number, so 19 is the next prime factor.The prime factorization of 76 is 2 x 2 x 19.
83 is the next prime number.
......89, 97, 101 http://primes.utm.edu/lists/small/1000.txt
The previous prime number is 23,456,787,559 and the next prime number is 23,456,787,593.
Divide the number by it's lowest prime factor possible continuosly until you get a one. The numbers will then be the prime factors. For example: Take the number 66. 2 is the smallest prime number and it is a factor of 64. So 66/2 = 33. 33 is not divisible by 2 so we take the next lowest prime factor: 33/3 = 11. 11 is divisible by nothing but itself and so 11 is the next lowest prime factor (remember we always need the answer to remain an integer): 11/11 = 1. Therefore 66 = 2 x 3 x 11.
ANSWER: The next prime number after 80 is 83.
the next prime number after 51 is 60 :)
the next prime number is 5 then 7 then
The next prime number after 100,000 is 100,003