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rational numbers and Irrational Numbers

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Q: What are the two subsets of the real numbers that form the set of real numbers?
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The set of all rational and irrational numbers?

Are disjoint and complementary subsets of the set of real numbers.

The set of real numbers can be broken up into two disjoint subsets What are the two subsets?

Rational Numbers and Irrational Numbers

How are rational numbers and integal numbers related to set of real numbers?

Both rational numbers and integers are subsets of the set of real numbers.

What are the subset real numbers to -2.38?

Only a set can have subsets, a number such as -2.38 cannot have subsets.

Are real numbers irrational numbers?

No, but the majority of real numbers are irrational. The set of real numbers is made up from the disjoint subsets of rational numbers and irrational numbers.

What are the subsets of a real numbers?

The set of real numbers is infinitely large, therefore it has an infinite amount of subsets. For example, {1}, {.2, 4, 800}, and {-32323, 3.14159, 32/3, 6,000,000} are all subsets of the real numbers. There are a few, important, and well studied namedsubsets of the real numbers. These include, but aren't limited to, the set of all prime numbers, square numbers, positive numbers, negative numbers, natural numbers, even numbers, odd numbers, integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers. For more information on these, and other, specific subsets of the real numbers, follow the link below.

What are the sets of numbers that are part of the complex number system?

Real number set, imaginary number set, and their subsets.

Is a set of rational number a sub set of irrational number?

No, they are disjoint sets. Both are subsets of the Real numbers.

Which are the subsets of real rational numbers?

All rational numbers are real so the phrase "real rational" has no meaning. There are an infinite number of subsets: The emply or null set, {1,1.5, 7/3}, {2}, (0.1,0.2,0.3,0.66..., 5.142857142857...} are some examples.

Is a series a function whose domain is the set of real number?

Not necessarily. There are series over all kinds of subsets and supersets of the set of real numbers.

What is subset of real number?

There are lots of subsets; some of the ones that are commonly used are: rational numbers; irrational numbers; positive numbers; negative numbers; non-negative numbers; integers; natural numbers. Remember that a subset simply means a set that is contained in another set. It may even be the same set. So the real numbers are a subset of themselves. The number {3} is a subset of the reals. All the examples above are subsets as well. The set {0,1, 2+i, 2-i} is NOT a subset of the real numbers. The real numbers are a subset of the complex numbers.

What do you call a set of real numbers that includes every real number between two numbers Is there a specific name for such a set?

It may, sometimes be referred to as an intervalalthough that term is also used for subsets of rational numbers or integers.