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The identity function.

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Q: What does a function multiplied by its inverse equal to?
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In the inverse variation function what happens to the output when the function's input is multiplied by 3?

the output is divided by 3.

In the inverse variation function what happens to the output when the function's input value is divided by 5?

The output is multiplied by 5.

In the inverse variation function, what happens to the output when the function's input value is divided by 5?

The output is multiplied by 5.

In the inverse variation function what happens to the output when the function input value is divided by 3?

The output is multiplied by 3.

In the inverse variation function what happens to the output when the functions input is multiplied by 3?

the output is divided by 3.

In the inverse variation function what happens to the output when the functions input value is multiplied by 4?

the output is divided by 4

Function and inverse of function graph is the same?

In general the function and it inverse are not the same and do not have the same graph. If we look at a special function f(x)=x, it is equal to its inverse and the graph is the same. Think of the inverse of a function as changing all the x's to y's and vice versa. Well, in the function f(x)=x, all the x's are already y's and vice versa so it is its own invese.

How many different functions are there that are equal to their own inverse?

The inverse of a function is its reflection in the line y=x. so the only function that returns its own inverse is the line y=x or any part of the line y=x

What is the relationships between inverse functions?

The inverse of the inverse is the original function, so that the product of the two functions is equivalent to the identity function on the appropriate domain. The domain of a function is the range of the inverse function. The range of a function is the domain of the inverse function.

Does zero have have multiplicatve inverse?

No. 1/0 is undefined. The multiplicative inverse should give a product of 1 when multiplied by the original number. 0 x (1/0) does not equal 1.

Is the inverse of an exponential function the quadratic function?

No. The inverse of an exponential function is a logarithmic function.

What are inverse numbers?

An inverse, without any qualification, is taken to be the multiplicative inverse. is The inverse of a number, x (x not 0), is 1 divided by x. Any number multiplied by its inverse must be equal to 1. There is also an additive inverse. For any number y, the additive inverse is -y. And the sum of the two must always be 0.