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An inverse, without any qualification, is taken to be the multiplicative inverse. is

The inverse of a number, x (x not 0), is 1 divided by x. Any number multiplied by its inverse must be equal to 1.

There is also an additive inverse. For any number y, the additive inverse is -y. And the sum of the two must always be 0.

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Q: What are inverse numbers?
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What are the elements in rational numbers having multiplicative inverse?

All rational numbers, with the exception of zero (0), have a multiplicative inverse. In fact, all real numbers (again, except for zero) have multiplicative inverses, though the inverses of irrational numbers are themselves irrational. Even imaginary numbers have multiplicative inverses (the multiplicative inverse of 5i is -0.2i - as you can see the inverse itself is also imaginary). Even complex numbers (the sum of an imaginary number and a real number) have multiplicative inverses (the inverse of [5i + 2] is [-5i/29 + 2/29] - similar to irrational and imaginary numbers, the inverse of a complex number is itself complex). The onlynumber, in any set of numbers, that does not have a multiplicative inverse is zero.

What is the integer opposite of -9?

If you mean each side of 9 then the integers or whole numbers are 8 and 10

Why are the rational numbers under the operation of multiplication not a group?

I believe it is because 0 does not have an inverse element.

What do you call integers that add to zero?

Two numbers, which when added together result in zero, are called each other's additive inverse. That is, for two given numbers x and y, if x + y = 0, then y is the additive inverse of x and x is the additive inverse of y.

How are multiples and factors similar and different from each other?

They're both whole numbers. Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples. They have an inverse relationship. If A is a factor of B, then B is a multiple of A.

Related questions

What is multiplicative inverse in rational numbers?

The inverse function of multiplication is division.

What is the additive inverse of 18?

The additive inverse is the sum of two numbers that will equal zero. The additive inverse of -18 is 18.

What are the elements in rational numbers having multiplicative inverse?

All rational numbers, with the exception of zero (0), have a multiplicative inverse. In fact, all real numbers (again, except for zero) have multiplicative inverses, though the inverses of irrational numbers are themselves irrational. Even imaginary numbers have multiplicative inverses (the multiplicative inverse of 5i is -0.2i - as you can see the inverse itself is also imaginary). Even complex numbers (the sum of an imaginary number and a real number) have multiplicative inverses (the inverse of [5i + 2] is [-5i/29 + 2/29] - similar to irrational and imaginary numbers, the inverse of a complex number is itself complex). The onlynumber, in any set of numbers, that does not have a multiplicative inverse is zero.

What numbers is not an additive inverse with reason?

it is bold

What numbers are their own multiplicative inverse?


Which property is not true for all numbers on the 12hour clock?

this is no Inverse property for multiplication

How can you use the inverse operation to check your answers?

Just apply the inverse operation to your answer. If your answer was correct, and you apply the inverse operation correctly, then you'll end up with the numbers you started with ... the numbers in the original problem. (If it wasn't, or you don't, then you won't.)

What number does not have a multiplicative inverse?

A multiplicative inverse for 2 numbers exists if the 2 numbers are coprime, i.e. their greatest common divisor (or gcd) is 1. However, if your question refers to just a singular number, virtually all real numbers (with the exception of zero) have a multiplicative inverse.

Do all numbers have a multipicative inverse?

Everything but zero.

What is the additive inverse of 18 23-?

Find the additive inverse (opposite) of: 18/23

What number has no multiple inverse?

On the set of all real numbers ZERO has no multiplicative inverse. For other sets there may be other numbers too, so please define your set!

What is the inverse for numbers under addition?

A number and its additive inverse add up to zero. If a number has no sign, add a "-" in front of it to get its additive inverse. The additive inverse of 5 is -5. The additive inverse of x is -x. If a number has a minus sign, take it away to get its additive inverse. The additive inverse of -10 is 10. The additive inverse of -y is y.