

What does median mean in mathematics?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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βˆ™ 15y ago

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It means the average of a group of numbers. For example... To find the average of the numbers 5 and 1, you would (1) add 5 and 1 and get 6, (2) divide your answer, 6, by the amount of numbers, 2 and (3) your average would be 3.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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Q: What does median mean in mathematics?
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i do not knowDon't Listen to this idiot, because the person who typed in this answer is obviously stupid. Mean, median and mode have been used countless of times. No one really knows who invented them or mathematics.

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List the numbers in order. If there is an ODD number of numbers, the median is the number in the middle (eg if there are 11 numbers listed, the median is the (11+1)÷2 = 6th number). If there is an EVEN number of numbers, the median is the mean of the middle two (eg if there are 12 numbers listed, the median is the mean of the (12÷2) = 6th and the 6th+1 = 7th numbers, ie (6th+7th)÷2.)

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