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you will get the inverse of the graph as it is supposed to be

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Q: What happens if you get the independent and Dependent variable backwards?
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Distinguish between an independent variable and a dependent variable?

The independent variable is the value being manipulated or changed, while the dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being manipulated. "IF" you change the independent variable, "THEN" what happens to the dependent variable?

What is the dependent veritable dependent on?

A dependent variable is one that changes based on changes of the independent variable. Or we can say it depends on whatever happens to the independent variable.

What is the difference of a dependent variable and an independent variable?

An independent variable is when you do not control what happens In an experiment,however; a dependent variable is when you actually control the experiment,

What is the difference of independent variable and a dependent variable?

An independent variable is when you do not control what happens In an experiment,however; a dependent variable is when you actually control the experiment,

If the independent variable increases what happens to the dependent variable?

It depends on the relationship, if any, between the independent and dependent variables.

Why is it important to have a control in a science experiment?

In order to be certain that the changing of the independent variable directly affects the dependent variable, a control must be taken where the independent variable is not changed-this ensures that whatever happens to the dependent variable happens because of the independent variable, and is not something that would happen anyway.

What is the dependent variable in a temperature experiment?

The Temperature is the Independent Variable (50 degrees, 100 Degrees etc.) Whatever happens as a result of the temperature change is the dependent variable.

How do you test two independent variables and one dependent variable?

Independent variable is what you change in the experiment group. Dependent variable is what happens because of the independent variable. It has to be measurable in degrees, inches, or other such measurements.

How do you test one independent variable and one dependent variable?

In an equation like y = mx + b, such as y = 3x + 2, x is the independent - YOU put in the x. y is the ANSWER you get, depending on what you used for x. To test, do exactly that - you choose what to do for your independent variable, and see what happens for the y. Works for both math and science. Change the independent variable, and compare how your dependent variables change depending on what changes you made to the independent.

What is the variable on the y-axis that happens because of another variable?

The dependent variable.

What is the science definition of independent vaiable?

The independent variable is also known as the experimental variable. It is the one variable that is manipulated or allowed to vary. All other variables are kept constant. For example, if you want to determine the relationship between mass and acceleration, you would vary the mass and it would be the independent variable. You would then measure the acceleration that occurs with different masses, which would be the dependent variable.

What is the factor or change that happens in an experiment?

dependent variable