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Q: What has The Golden Ratio in common with Alpha curves?
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What does The Golden Ratio have in common with the Alpha Wave?

The Gloden Ratio has the act of meditation in comme with the Alpha Wave. In both instances, one must be in an alpha state to fully experience both fully.

Why is the Golden Ratio called the Golden Ratio?

Because it is an unusual ratio and therefore should be given a different name to differentiate it from other common ratios. Gold is valuable and "Golden" is attributed to that which is attractive. The "Golden Ration" is considered attractive and has many uses.

What are the dimensions of the golden ratio?

The golden ratio is a pure number and so has no dimensions.The golden ratio is a pure number and so has no dimensions.The golden ratio is a pure number and so has no dimensions.The golden ratio is a pure number and so has no dimensions.

What is the golden ratio in art?

The golden ratio was a mathematical formula for the beauty. The golden ratio in the Parthenon was most tremendous powerful and perfect proportions. Most notable the ratio of height to width on its precise was the golden ratio.

What number is the golden ratio?

The golden ratio, or golden mean, or phi, is about 1.618033989. The golden ratio is the ratio of two quantities such that the ratio of the sum to the larger is the same as the ratio of the larger to the smaller. If the two quantities are a and b, their ratio is golden if a > b and (a+b)/a = a/b. This ratio is known as phi, with a value of about 1.618033989. Exactly, the ratio is (1 + square root(5))/2.

What the significance of golden ratio?

The golden ratio (or Phi) is a ratio that is very commonly found in nature. For instance, some seashells follow a spiraling path at the golden ratio.

How do you know who has the highest golden ratio?

The Golden Ratio is a constant = [1 + sqrt(5)]/2. There is, therefore, no higher or lower Golden Ratio.

What is the pattern that occurs in the golden ratio?

The pattern that occurs in the golden ratio is a spiral.

What does the golden ratio means?

In mathematics, two quantities are in the golden ratio if their ratio is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities.

Is there a platinum ratio if there is a golden ratio?

No. There is no platinum ratio.

What role did the golden ratio play in Greek Architecture?

The common belief is that the Greeks used the golden ratio (~1.618) for the relation between a building's length and its height. Mario Livio, who wrote a book on the golden ratio, claims that these ratios are actually somewhere between 1.4 and 2.0, so that may have been a myth.

Is the Fibonacci sequence the golden ratio?

No, but the ratio of each term in the Fibonacci sequence to its predecessor converges to the Golden Ratio.