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Simplifying fractions

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Q: What involves a process of trial and error simplifying fractions changing percentages to decials metric conversions reading musical notes?
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What is used in changing dissimilar fractions to similar fractions?

Finding the lowest common denominator

What is a one hundredth use as?

Many things. Reciprocals, switching spots numerator and denominator. So then it would be 100 over 1. So that is one. Another is if you are changing the fraction to a decimal, you will use 100. If you are simplifying fractions, a denominator of 100 is a good start. A real life problem. Cents out of a dollar.

Real life situation for changing repeating decimals into fractions?

there are None!

Are decimals just as important as whole numbers?

Of course! Without decimals, you couldn't calculate percentages or fractions. Decimals allow you to break a number up. A decimal is basically a fraction, and when you calculate fraction adding, subtraction, multiplication, and division, sometimes it is easier to calculate a fraction by first changing it to a decimal instead.

What is the rule for subtracting fractions?

First, change it so that the two fractions have the same denominator (by changing the fractions into equivalent fractions). Once the two fractions have the same denominator, it is simply a case of subtracting the numerators, leaving the denominator the same. Finally, reduce the fraction to its lowest terms (if possible).

What are the energy conversions?

Energy conversions is the process of energy changing form within a single object. For example, when you release a pendulum, the potential energy it had while being drawn upwards is changed into kinetic energy or the energy of movement. The total amount of energy is kept the same, but is simply changing the amount of energy each type had.

Which is smaller 0.08 or 0.583?

0.08 is smaller - changing to proper fractions and using the same denominator for both fractions, it is equal to 8/1000, while 0.583 is equal to 583/1000.

Energy conversions energy changing from one?

Energy conversion means that one type of energy is converted into another type of energy.

When you are dividing two repeating decimals is it easier to add them as they are or to change them to fractions first?

It is not clear why you would wish to add them! Changing them to fractions is generally the better option because it averts rounding errors.

To analyze data from a survey you use a spreadsheet to calculate the percent of students who prefer corn over broccoli or carrots. However the results do not look like percentages. How can spreadsheet?

by changing the decimal to a percentage

What does it mean when you divide the numerator and denominator by the same number?

It means that you are not changing the value of the fraction, but you may be simplifying it. For example: 14/36 Divide top and bottom by 2 to get 7/18.

What does cancel where possible mean in math?

That means that wherever you spot a numerator and denominator that have a common factor,you should should divide the numerator and denominator by their common factor.This operation doesn't change the value of an expression, but it 'simplifies' it. The operation isalso the heart and soul of measurement-unit conversions.It means that if you spot a numerator and denominator that have a common factor, then you should divide the numerator and denominator by their common factor.This operation doesn't change the value of an expression, but it 'simplifies' it. The operation is also the heart and soul of measurement-unit conversions.It means, if you can cancel, cancel. Otherwise don't.This usually refers to simplifying fractions that involve numbers or variables. If the same variable, or factor, appears in the top and in the bottom, you can eliminate it from both without changing the result.