A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the required decimal representation is 23, exactly as in the question.
5 over 23 5 / 23 is approximately .21739130434782
simply divide. 0.71875
23% is 0.23 as a decimal.
23 can't be turned into a decimal it is a whole number you could turn it into a decimal if it was 23 1/2 that would be 23.5 but 23 as a decimal is 23
23% = 0.23 as a decimal
23/10 as a decimal is 2.3
23/1000 = 0.023 as a decimal
23/46 as a decimal is 0.5
As a decimal it is 23. As a percent (not persent), it is 2300%.
Expressed as a decimal, 23/1000 = 0.023
23 percent as a fraction is 23/100 and a decimal 0.23.