There is 345, 354, 435, 453, 543, 534.
You need at least two numbers to find an LCM.
Just six numbers... 345, 354, 435, 453, 534 & 543
They are 507, 516, 525, 534, 543, 552, 561, 570, 606, 615, 624, 633, 642, 651 and 660.
3! or 6 combinations can be made from three distinct numbers. For this example they are: 345, 354, 534, 543, 435, 453.
Assuming you mean permutations of three digits, then the set of numbers that can be made with these digits is: 345 354 435 453 534 543 There are six possible permutations of three numbers.
543 is not prime. 543 = 3 * 181
Round 65 543 to the nearest
543 + 78900000 = 78900543