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That's known as the range.

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Q: What is he difference between the greatest and least numbers in a graph?
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What is the difference between the greatest and least numbers in a graph?

The range

What is the difference between a diagram and a graph?

The difference between a graph and a diagram is as follows: a diagram is a chart which shows a drawing and a graph is a graph with lines or bars indicating something specific in numbers.

What is the difference between a pie graph and a bar graph?

a pie graph shows percentages and a bar graph shows numbers and amounts

The of a graph is the difference between any two numbers on the scale?


What of a graph is the difference between any two numbers on the scale?

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The interval of a graph is the difference between any two numbers on the scale?

Yes, the interval of a graph is the difference between any two consecutive numbers on a scale.For example, if the scale read: 2,4,6,8,10 then you could do 4-2, 6-4, etc. to find the interval. (which is 2)

What is the difference between the interval and a scale?

Well...The interval is the DIFFERENCE between a number to the next on a scale.The scale is the SERIES OF NUMBERS starting at 0 to another number on the top of a graph. For example....If the graph has 0-100 numbers on it...thats the scale. The 0-100 is the scale.I hope you understand.

What is the difference frequency graph versus percentage graph?

The main difference is that the vertical scale for a frequency graph is in units (or numbers) whereas in a percentage graph, it is in percentages,

What is the difference between a line graph and pie graph?


What is the difference between a line graph and broken line graph?

a broken line graph has numbres going everywhere and a line graph has numbers going on a steady rate (e.g 50,10,90 for a broken line graph) (eg 2,4,6 for a line graph) hope i helped :D

What is the difference between a constant in a graph and a constant in a experiment?

the difference between a constant in a graph and a constant in a experiment is that when on a graph, the constant is the thing that changes, and in a experiment it is the part that stays the same.

What is the difference between the information of a bar graph and a line graph?

a line graph is over time. a bar graph is not