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Convert them to decimals.

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Q: What is one way of comparing fractions besides common numorator or common denominator?
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Can fractions be negetive?

Yes. Any value besides zero can be negative.

What are 2 equivalent fractions for 1 over 6?

Two equivalent fractions are 2 over 12, and 3 over 18. There much more equivalent fractions besides those.

A fraction should be reduced when?

When the numerator and denominator have another common factor besides ' 1 '.

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How is multiplying rational numbers like multiplying fractions and multiplying decimals?

Fractions and decimals are usually rational numbers. Besides, multiplying rational and irrational numbers is also similar.

How do you do fraction in simplest form?

To reduce a fraction to its simplest form, divide the numerator and denominator by any common factors that they have besides ' 1 '.

What is ponyboy comparing two bit to when he calls him a chessy cat on page 27 What figure of speech is this besides a simile?

a metaphor, allusion and an overstatement i hope that helped :)

How do you write fraction in syllibles?

You cannot because there is no such thing as a syllible. Besides, fractions deal with numbers, whereas syllables are concerned with the way in which words are pronounced.

How do you find the excluded values of variables?

you put the fraction in simplest form (the numerator and denominator have no common factors besides one) then you find what number your variable should be to make the denominator 0. this is excluded value b/c your denominator can never equal 0 the number you found is your excluded value ex. 4 ------ Your excluded value is 3 because 3(3-3)=0 x(x-3)

What is the simplest form of mixed numbers?

It is having the fraction part of the number simplified to simplest form. For example, 1 2/4 would be simplified to 1 1/2. Find a number (besides 1) that goes into both the numerator and denominator. Here it is 2. Divide the numerator by that number (2/2 in this example) and the denominator by that number (4/2 in the example). Use the quotient as your answer, with the modified numerator above the modified denominator.

What is the percent for 0.6 besides 60 percent?

You're looking for an equivalent percentage and unfortunately all fractions that could look larger (600/1000, 6000/10000) will all result back to 0.6 or 60%.