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A quadratic inequality in x is in the standard form of


Ex. 3x^2+5x+1>4

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Q: What is quadratic inequality in one variables?
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Related questions

How are quadratic inequalities different from linear inequalities?

A linear inequality is all of one side of a plane. A quadratic inequality is either the inside of a parabola or the outside.

How do tell the solution of an inequality?

Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.

An equation or inequality that contains one or more variables is?

open sentence

What is the graph of a linear inequality in two variables called?

A bivariate linear inequality.

Is yx3cubed plus x2squared a quadratic inequality?

No. This is not an inequality, because you need something &gt; something_else, or less than or 'not equal' or 'greater than or equal', etc. Since it has an x cubed term, it is not a quadratic.

How do you tell a linear inequality from a quadratic inequality?

In a linear inequality the variable is only present raised to the first power (which is usually not explicitly shown). In a quadratic the square of the variable is present (or implied). The square can be implied in an inequality such as x + 1/x &lt; 6 (x not 0) This is equivalent to x2 - 6x + 1 &lt; 0

Define solution of a linear inequality in two variable?

If the equal sign in a linear equation in two variables is replaced with an inequality symbol, the result is a linear inequality in two variables. 3x-2y&gt;7 x&lt;-5

How can the change in x affect the change in y in a inequality?

The answer depends on the nature of the inequality: whether it is linear, quadratic or has some other functional form.

How do you solve a quadratic inequality when the expression is unfactorable?

Use the quadratic formula for the equality. Then, depending on the coefficient of x2 and the nature of the inequality [&gt;, &acirc;&permil;&yen;, &acirc;&permil;&curren;, &lt;], determine whether you need the open or closed intervals between the roots or beyond the roots.

How can you write an inequality that is neither true nor false?

If you use a variable, or variables, with an equation, or with an inequality, it is neither true nor false until you replace the variables with specific values.

The solutions to a linear inequality are the points in the plane that make the inequality true?

Yes, and no. The solution set to an inequality are those points which satisfy the inequality. A linear inequality is one in which no variable has a power greater than 1. Only if there are two variables will the solution be points in a plane; if there are more than two variables then the solution set will be points in a higher space, for example the solution set to the linear inequality x + y + z &lt; 1 is a set of points in three dimensional space.

A square b square -2ab - 25?

a2b2 - 2ab - 25 is a quadratic expression in the variables ab. There is no equation or inequality in the question so there is nothing that can be solved. Because of the nature of the expression a and b cannot be separated in any meaningful way.