

What is subrtacting with regrouping in whole numbers?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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9y ago

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Back in the day, regrouping in addition was called "carrying" and regrouping in subtraction was called "borrowing." These problems might be easier to visualize if you copy them vertically.

Example: 56 - 39

Just looking at it, you might think there's a problem with subtracting nine from six until you realize that 56 is 5 tens and 6 ones which is the same thing as 4 tens and 16 ones. Now you can subtract 9 from 16, leaving 7 in the ones place and 3 from 4, (the regrouped 5) leaving 1 in the tens place.

56 - 39 = 17

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Q: What is subrtacting with regrouping in whole numbers?
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