

What is taking the derivative?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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It means to determine the difference or rate of change of the function.

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Q: What is taking the derivative?
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What is the derivative of xn?

If you're taking the derivative in terms of x, it's n.

What is the purpose of finding derivative?

The purpose of finding a derivative is to find the instantaneous rate of change. In addition, taking the derivative is used in integration by parts.

What is successive differentiation?

taking the derivative over and over again.

Why does taking the derivative of a function give you the slope of the tangent?

Why: Because that's what the derivative means, the way it is defined - the slope of the curve at any point of the line.

What is differenciation?

Differentiation (sp) is a mathematical process. It involves taking the derivative of an equation.

What is diferentiate?

In math, the same as taking the derivative - basically, finding the slope of a line or curve.

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According to Wolfram Alpha, input:integral csc x it is -log[cot(x) + csc(x)] + constant You can verify this by taking the derivative of the purported integral.

How do you find the derivative?

This is really too vague. There are tables for derivatives of common functions. There are rules for taking derivatives of polynomials. The derivative of f(x) is found by taking the limit of (f(x + ?x) - f(x))/?x, as ?x approaches zero.

How does one figure the rate of change?

The rate of change of a function is found by taking the derivative of the function. The equation for the derivative gives the rate of change at any point. This method is used frequently in calculus.

Is it derivative of or derivative from?

"Derivative of"

How do you find the minimum or maximum of a function?

By taking the derivative of the function. At the maximum or minimum of a function, the derivative is zero, or doesn't exist. And end-point of the domain where the function is defined may also be a maximum or minimum.

What is the antiderivative of pi?

The anti-derivative of any constant c, is just c*x. Thus, the antiderivative of pi is pi*x. We can verify this by taking the derivative of pi*x, which gives us pi.