8-bit 2s complement representation of -19 is 11101101 For 1s complement invert all the bits. For 2s complement add 1 to the 1s complement: With 8-bits: 19 � 0001 0011 1s � 1110 1100 2s � 1110 1100 + 1 = 1110 1101
37 degrees
53 degrees
-15 is 11111111 and 2s com is 1111 0001
To get the 2s complement, change all 1 bits to 0s and all 0 bits to 1s, and add 1 to the result. So the 2s complement of the 8-bit binary number 10001011 is the binary integer 01110101. If you want that in decimal, then remember that each place value column is twice the value of the place value column to its right, and the rightmost place value column for an integer is 1. Thus 01110101 in decimal is 64 + 32 + 16 + 4 + 1 = 117 (And 10001011 as a signed 8-bit binary integer represents the decimal integer -117.)
A 53 degree angle.
If you mean: 4(2s-1) = 7s+12 then the value of s works out as 16
What is the difference between the place value of the 2s in 8 234 260