

What is the answer of 9r equals 3r plus 6?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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9r = 3r + 6

subtract 3r from both sides

6r = 6

divide both sides by 6

r=1 ■

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Q: What is the answer of 9r equals 3r plus 6?
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r + 2t = -3 . . . . (A)3r - 4t = -9 . . . . (B)2*(A) + (B): 2r + 4t + 3r - 4t = -6 - 95r = - 15 so r = -3substituting in (A), t = 0So the answer is (r, t) = (-3, 0)r + 2t = -3 . . . . (A)3r - 4t = -9 . . . . (B)2*(A) + (B): 2r + 4t + 3r - 4t = -6 - 95r = - 15 so r = -3substituting in (A), t = 0So the answer is (r, t) = (-3, 0)r + 2t = -3 . . . . (A)3r - 4t = -9 . . . . (B)2*(A) + (B): 2r + 4t + 3r - 4t = -6 - 95r = - 15 so r = -3substituting in (A), t = 0So the answer is (r, t) = (-3, 0)r + 2t = -3 . . . . (A)3r - 4t = -9 . . . . (B)2*(A) + (B): 2r + 4t + 3r - 4t = -6 - 95r = - 15 so r = -3substituting in (A), t = 0So the answer is (r, t) = (-3, 0)