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The formula for calculating the circumference of a circle is 2*pi*radius. The radius is half of the diameter, so if the diameter is 34 inches, then the radius is 17. So we have two times pi times seventeen, which gives us 34 pi. If you need a more specific number, multiply 34 by 3.14. You get 106.76 inches.

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Q: What is the circomefrince of a circle if the diamiter is34in?
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What has a diamiter of 10?

A circle with a radius of 5.

How do you get diamiter?

The diameter of a circle is twice its radius.

What is the diamiter of a circle with a radius of 8cm?

16 cm

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Using 3.14 as Pi the area of circle is: 0

How do you find the circumference if a circle if you have the diamiter?

Multiply the diameter by 3.14 (pi).

If the diamiter is 5.5 what is the circumference?

Circumference of circle: 5.5 times pi

Is a radious half the diamiter of a circle?

yes the radius is half the diameter. It goes from the edge of the circle to the centre.

If you double the radius of a circle will the circumference also double?

since the equation to get circumference is diamiter X pi, and the diamiter is 2x the radius, yes it would double the C of the circle ie before radius is 2, so diamiter is 4 4 X Pi 12.57... radius is 4 so the diamiter is 8 8 X pi = 25.13... that would double it.

What is the equation for the diamiter of a circle?

Diameter = 1/2 of the circle's radius. Diameter = 2 times the square root of (the circle's area/pi) Diameter = the circle's circumference/pi

How do you find the radius a circle if you have the diamiter?

Divide the diameter by 2. (The radius is 1/2 of the diameter.)

What is the circumference of a circle with the diamiter of 12 and a velocity of 22 grams?

37.68 ngwee (except when the wind is from the sou'west east)

How do you find the diamiter of a circle?

well you can divide the circumference by pi (3.14) and it will always give you the diameter or you could measure it.