

Best Answer

It is {1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 9, 12}

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Q: What is the data cluster of these numbers 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 9 12?
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What does the math term cluster mean?

Cluster is a group of numbers that are very close together. Ex. From 3-10 is a cluster of numbers. They are all in a group next to each other x x x x x x x x x x _x___x_x_x_x_x__x_x_x__x__x__x_ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

What are the list numbers from 1 to 12 that are prime?

Prime numbers from 1 to 12: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11Composite numbers from 1 to 12: 4, 6, 8, 9. 10. 12

What happens to the mean of a data when you add values that cluster near one end of the original data set?

I'm not completely sure what you mean. But I can tell you how to find the mean, if that is what you are looking for. You must add up all your numbers (4+2+1) and then take you answer and divide it by the number of numbers you added together (7 divided by 3) The quotient is your answer. Hope I was a help

What is 11 - 12 in numbers for kids?

11 - 12 in numbers for kids = -1

The Quotient Of Two Numbers Is 12. And The Difference Of The Two Numbers Is 11. What Are The Two Numbers?

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Gap: ina data display, a large space between data points.Ex. 3,4,5, Gap 20,22Cluster: in a data display, a cluster is several data points lie in a small interval. Ex. 7,8,9,0,2345678Outliers: A number ina set of data that is much larger or smaller than most of the other numbers in the set.Ex. 1, ( outlier ) 52, 55, 57,59, 129 (outlier)

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Which are the mean numbers on a number line or symbol on a line plot?

Mean numbers are the average. To find the mean or the average, you have to add all the numbers in the data and you divide the sum by the total number of numbers there are. You divide the sum by how much numbers there are. For example, if the data numbers for a line plot is 1,2,3,4,2,0. You do this: 1+2+3+4+2+0=12 (Add all the numbers together) 12 divided by 6 = 3 (Take the sum and divide by how much numbers there are) 3 = mean number or average So you just take the numbers from the data or if you're gonna plot it on a line, just take those numbers that you're going to plot and do what I did up there.

What odd whole numbers have 12 as a factor?

No odd whole numbers have 12 as a factor. 1 and 3 are odd numbers that are factors of 12.

What are all the prime numbers from 1-12?

The prime numbers from 1 to 12 are 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11.

What two numbers multiplied together equal 12 but add those two numbers to equal -13?


What are the prime numbers from 1-12?

The prime numbers between 1 and 12 are: 2 3 5 7 11