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Q: What is the derivative for ambulat?
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What does the latin word ambulat mean?

Ambulat- intransitive verb stemming from ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatus Ambulat-is the Present Active Indicative 3rd person singular form Translating as he/she/it walks (or is walking) or march, strut, parade Credentials- 5 years of HS latin. First year Latin major at BGSU in Ohio.

Is it derivative of or derivative from?

"Derivative of"

Is ambulat a present or imperfect tense in latin?

ambulat is the 3rd person singular, present active indicative form of the verb ambulare -- to walk.Its 4 principle parts are: ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatumIn the active indicative it's conjugation is:Sing.ambulo - I walkambulas - you walkambulat - he/she/it walksPL.ambulamus - we walkambulatis - you all walkambulant - they walkThe imperfect tense ( a form of past tense) is created by adding "ba" before each personal ending:Thus:ambulabam - I walkedambulabas - you walkedand so forth. ThusAmbulo in via sed in agro abulabas. (I walk in the road but you walked in the field)

What is the second derivative of a function's indefinite integral?

well, the second derivative is the derivative of the first derivative. so, the 2nd derivative of a function's indefinite integral is the derivative of the derivative of the function's indefinite integral. the derivative of a function's indefinite integral is the function, so the 2nd derivative of a function's indefinite integral is the derivative of the function.

How is motion and position related?

Velocity is the derivative of position.Velocity is the derivative of position.Velocity is the derivative of position.Velocity is the derivative of position.

Prove that a constant vector always has a perpendicular derivative?

A dot A = A2 do a derivative of both sides derivative (A) dot A + A dot derivative(A) =0 2(derivative (A) dot A)=0 (derivative (A) dot A)=0 A * derivative (A) * cos (theta) =0 => theta =90 A and derivative (A) are perpendicular

What is the derivative of e7x?

The derivative of e7x is e7 or 7e.The derivative of e7x is 7e7xThe derivative of e7x is e7xln(7)

How do you take the derivative of a trig function?

Trig functions have their own special derivatives that you will have to memorize. For instance: the derivative of sinx is cosx. The derivative of cosx is -sinx The derivative of tanx is sec2x The derivative of cscx is -cscxcotx The derivative of secx is secxtanx The derivative of cotx is -csc2x

How do you translate Quintus walked to the store in Rome?

Quintus ambulat ad tabernam in Roma. That one's close - but needs a couple of changes. Quintus ad tabernam Romae ambulavit. Ambulavit = walked (Ambulat = walks) This sentence is one of the few places where a rarely used Latin case comes in - the locative case. The word for Rome is put in locative (Romae) to indicate place where.

What is the derivative of xe?

The derivative of xe is e. The derivative of xe is exe-1.

What is the derivative of 40?

The derivative of 40 is zero. The derivative of any constant is zero.

What is the derivative of square root of 2?

the derivative is 0. the derivative of a constant is always 0.