

What is the digit six places left of the decimal point?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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hundred thousands to the left and millionths to the right

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Q: What is the digit six places left of the decimal point?
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The thousands digit is 4 left of the decimal point and the ones digit is the digit to the left of the decimal point. In a whole number the decimal point is not written and can be considered as "hiding" after the last digit - the ones digit.

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To multiply by 10k move the decimal point k places to the right - if necessary add 0s after the last digit. To divide by 10k move the decimal point k places to the left - if necessary add 0s between the decimal point and the first digit.

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That one - there! The one I am pointing at!The fifth digit to the left of the decimal point is.

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The tens place digit (in a decimal system number) is the second digit to the left of the decimal point.

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Move the decimal point left seven places so that there is one digit before the decimal. Because the decimal point was moved left seven places, the new number must be multiplied by 107: 2.3789 x 107 (The zeros are not needed because they are at the end of the number and are after the decimal point.)

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The third digit to the left of the decimal point is the hundreds place.

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The tens place value is the second digit to the left of the decimal point. The decimal point is always to the right of the ones digit; in a whole number, the decimal point is "hiding" (not written) after the ones digit. In 3040 the tens digit is the 4.

Is considered a significant digit when it is to the left or the right of the decimal point?

It can be.

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The seventh to the left of the decimal point.

How to round 0.00033 to two decimal places?

Rounding to "X" places means looking at the digit in the X+1 place and, if it is 5 of more adding 1 to the digit in X place. If it is less than 5 the digit in X place is left untouched. In this case.... 0.00033 has five decimal places. The third digit is 0, so the second digit is left as it is. This means that 0.00033 is 0.00 rounded to two decimal places (or, "correct to two decimal places").

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If a number is an integer then the last digit (to the right) is the units' (or ones') place. In the case of a decimal fraction is it the digit to the immediate left of the decimal point. Note that 1 = 100.The place value of the digit to its left is the tens' place, which is also 101.The place value of the digit to its left is the hundreds' place, which is also 102.and so on.The the right of the decimal, the places are:First after the decimal point is the tenths (= 10-1).Next is the hundredths (= 10-2)Then the thousandths (= 10-3).

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The thousands place is the digit 4 left of the decimal point; in a whole number the decimal point is "hiding" after the ones digit. In 26195 the thousands digit is 6.