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(b - x)(ab - xy)

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Q: What is the factor of x2y-xyb-abx plus ab2?
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√(ab2) = (√a)*b

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If you mean (Ab)2 then it is Ab, but if you mean Ab2 then it is square root (A)(b).

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(a -b) · (a2+ab+b2) = (a3+a2b+ab2) - (a2b+ab2+b3) = a3 -b3 (a+b) · (a2 -ab+b2) = (a3 -a2b+ab2) +(a2b -ab2+b3) = a3+b3 More generally: (a ∓ b) · (an-1 ±an-2b +an-3b2 ±an-4b3 +±...+a(±b)n-2 +(±b)n-1) = an ± bn. The mixed terms cancel out themselves.

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y(a - by^3 + x) a(b + 3)(b - 5)

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The GCF is ab2

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Factor by grouping. x2y - xyb - abx + ab2 The first two can factor out an xy, so xy(x - b) The second two can factor out a -ab, so -ab(x - b) and we have xy(x - b) - ab(x - b) Since what is inside the parentheses is alike, we can be assured that we have factored correctly and now continue to group: ANS: (x - b)(xy - ab)

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Let consider the right triangle ABC with hypotenuse AB and heigth AC then base is BC Pythagorean theorem states that AB2=AC2+BC2 so BC2=AB2-AC2 then BC=sqrt(AB2-AC2)

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