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Defond your variables. (Saifoo.khan)

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Q: What is the first step in developing a system of equations from a real-life situation?
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When we look for a solution for a system of equations or inequalities are we looking into an AND situation or an OR situation?

Unless otherwise stated, the "AND" case is normally assumed, i.e., you have to find a solution that satisfies ALL equations.

What is model mathematically?

Creating an abstract system of equations which describes (and helps reasoning about) a real life system.

Solving the system of equations by graphing?

Graph both equations on the same graph. Where they intersect is the solution to the system of equations

What is the definition of Simultaneous Linear Equations?

A system of linear equations is two or more simultaneous linear equations. In mathematics, a system of linear equations (or linear system) is a collection of linear equations involving the same set of variables.

If a system of equations is inconsitient how many solutions will it have?

If a system of equations is inconsistent, there are no solutions.

If a system of equations is independent how many soultions will it have?

A system of equations may have any amount of solutions. If the equations are linear, the system will have either no solution, one solution, or an infinite number of solutions. If the equations are linear AND there are as many equations as variables, AND they are independent, the system will have exactly one solution.

What is the system of equations?

A system of equations is a set of equations with more than one variable dealing with the same material. If there are 2 variables, then the system must have 2 equations before it can be solved. 3 variables need 3 equations, etc.

A system of equations with exactly one solution?

A system of equations with exactly one solution intersects at a singular point, and none of the equations in the system (if lines) are parallel.

What are two or more equations called?

A system of equations.

When lines overlap in a system of equations?

Then they are simultaneous equations.

What is the solution of a system of linear equations in two variables?

The solution of a system of linear equations is a pair of values that make both of the equations true.

Can a system of equations have more than two inequalities?

A system of equations can have any number of inequalities.