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P= 2l+2w

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Q: What is the formula for a parallelograms?
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Is there any formula to find out the number of parallelograms?

There are an infinite number of parallelograms. No formula is required.

What formula do you use to find out if two parallelograms are similar?

u dont use a formula

What is the formula for the perimeter of a parallelograms?

Add up all the sides.

What do parallelograms equal?

The formula for a parrelogram is area=base*height. In this case it will equal to 360 degrees:)

What is the formula to determine how many parallelograms there are in an isosceles triangle made up of 9 smaller but equally sized isosceles triangles?

There are normally no parallelograms within an isosceles triangle unless you put them there yourself.

What is the formula for calculating area of parallelograms?

Base multiplied to the perpendicular height. A = b X h

Are all trapezoids parallelograms?

No trapezoids are parallelograms, and no parallelograms are trapezoids.

Is All trapezoids parallelograms?

No trapezoids are parallelograms, and no parallelograms are trapezoids.

Are all parallelograms trapezoids?

No trapezoids are parallelograms, and no parallelograms are trapezoids.

Are all parallelograms are trapeziods?

No. Parallelograms are never trapezoids. Trapezoids are never parallelograms.

Are there any parallelograms in sports?

No, there are no parallelograms in sports.

Is true or false all parallelograms are aquares?

All squares are parallelograms, but all parallelograms are not squares.