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Stairs are defined by tread and rise: tread is the depth, front-to-back (or toe-to-heel), of the horizontal surface; while rise is the height, or step-up from one tread to the next.

These dimensions can vary depending on design choices, the site requirements, and local building codes.

I think the proper approach would be the reverse order...

# determine the local building codes # determine your requirements (total height needed, total run/width available) # determine design requirements (steep angle, like a ladder requires greater rise/fewer, shallower treads, more effort to climb; shallower angle requires more steps, more space, but are easier to climb.) One rule of thumb is called the "Rule of 25": a staircase will be safe and easy to climb if the height of two risers plus the depth of one tread equals 25.

Try a websearch for "How to design stairs?" for a list of many good articles/ tutorials/ design ideas.

Good luck.

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