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Q: What is the formula for tangent in math?
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How do you relate tangent graph with the math error in calculation of direction of resultant vector?

The tangent function will generate a calculator "math error" if the angle in questin is ±90 degrees. For these angles, the tangent function is not defined.

What does tangent mean in math?

Tangent, in geometry, is used to describe when figures have only one point in common. In Trig. tangent is applied to triangles.

What is the formula in getting a tangent?

For a right angle triangle: tangent = opposite/adjacent

What does the radius-tangent theorem state?

The radius-tangent theorem is math involving a circle. The radius-tangent theorem states that a line is tangent to a circle if it is perpendicular to the radius of a circle.

What is a tangent in math?

A tangent is a straight line which will intersect at another line only once. Every tangent for each point will be different, because each tangent is exclusive only to one point in a graph.

What math function shows a ratio of rise and run?


What is the formula for tangent ratio?

Opposite / adjacent

How do you find x assume that segments that appear tangent are tangent?

A tangent refers to the way in which a curve is measured. The amount of deviation from the segment line is measures, then a formula applied to find the tangent.

How do you add tangent in calculator in java?

You are able to calculate the tangent of a number using the Math class (java.lang.Math). The tan(double a) method is the one you are looking for. For example: double a = 2.5; double tangent = java.lang.Math.tan(a);

What is the tangent formula in trig?

The Tangemt Formula for Geometry is opposite over adjacent, or opp./adj.

Formula for direct common tangent?

length of dct2=d2-(r1-r2)