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The volume of a sphere is found by the formula

3/4 πr3

We will use 3.1416 as an approximate value for π

As r in this case is equal to 0.5,

The equation is not

3/4 (3.1416) (0.5)3 or 0.75 x 3.1416 x 0.125, which equals 0.294525 cubic inches.

So the length of ne side of the cube will be the cube root of 0.294525, which is 0.665335538359562 inches.

Or, two-thirds of an inch, roughly,

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Q: What is the largest cube that can be made from a 1 inch sphere?
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You can make a cone that has a diameter of 4.2 cm, and a height of 4.2 cm.

Will a perfect cube sink or float?

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Is a sphere made of a rectangle and two circles?

no, a sphere is a ball.

What substance is the cube made of?

A cube is a shape. It can be made up of almost any solid material substance.